Fendi & Nataya
Fendi & Nataya
It started with a swipe
Witing Tresno Jalaran Soko Kulino.
Love is created if you used to it.
Nataya and Fendi first met in 2020 when the world was hit by the global pandemic.
With their own sole purposes, they decided to download dating app and the algorithm decided to make them meet virtually. After one and two messages they decided to meet in person.
Soon after the first encounter, they started to spend time together in the name of food hunting across Jakarta. At that time they didn't really label the relationship, but they knew that they like each other's presence. Fendi took the time to create a food hunting list to share with Nataya and started their food journey together.
A year passed by they were still food hunting but deep down they begin to feel that along the way they found it was more than just food that they were sharing. They got used to be with one another by sharing every weekend together, along with their inner circle, and sharing stories every single day. They were always there for the good times, not so good times, even bad bad times.
Life goes on but they had each other. Eventually, they created their own stories by being together. Which then was decided to take the relationship into the next level. The thought of losing her was much scarier than committing to her. After all, it was not just a mere algorithm or food that makes the two of them, but it was God's will.
Written by:
Monica Irene Adikarta
(Nataya's best friend)
Please RSVP if you are available to witness our special day
Holy Matrimony
Sunday, November 27th, 2022
13:00 - 15:00
GPIB Marga Mulya Yogyakarta
Jl. Margo Mulyo No.5, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122
Wedding Reception
Sunday, November 27th, 2022
19:00 - 21:00
Secluded by Kharma Yogyakarta
Karang Moko, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55581
Wedding Wishes
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Live Streaming
The Wedding of Fendi & Nataya
13.00 - Holy Matrimony
Live Wedding
Please join GPIB Marga Mulya's YouTube Live to witness and be a part of our new beginning.
Thank You
Thank you for being with us in our new beginning and making the day very special.
We are so blessed to have you as a part of our wedding celebrations.
Your gifts, cards and messages are very much appreciated. We hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.
Fendi & Nataya